
Our Story

My name is Lilia. I came to South Korea a few years ago to continue my studies. In my second year in South Korea, I met Vince. We dated for a year. When I finished my studies and it was almost time for me to go back to the Philippines, Vince asked me to marry him. To make the story short, we did the paper works and got married in September 9th, 2011. 
We both love traveling. We've been to a lot of places here in South Korea. We love this country. As we travel we picked up a new hobby, taking pictures. On my 26th birthday, Vince bought a DSLR as a gift for me. I started teaching myself to take better quality pictures. The next year I also got him a DSLR camera. Since then our camera, always go with us whenever we travel. We also created our own facebook page, GIK Photography.

Aside from taking pictures, I also love writing. Though I already have a blog, I decided to make another one that focuses on our travel life here in South Korea. That is how this travel photo blog started. I am the one writing the articles. Vince is the one editing them. 
We are very lucky to have found each other. 

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